A critic of artificial intelligence

This workgroup wishes to elaborate on critical theory to question the “What for?” of artificial intelligence, at a time when its expansion has become hegemonic. Based on the works of researchers from different backgrounds and on knowledge arising from controversies around AI, it aims at exploring following questions: what are the limits of AI? Who produces knowledge about it? In what conditions are those technologies developed and how are they integrated in institutional practices? In collective imagination around AI, what can be said to be of mythical or ideological nature? What are its social and political effects? How are AI related power relations structured? What is the social relevance of AI in the time of climate change and biodiversity falldown?

Through those questions this workgroup wants to cast light on the imaginaries related to the expansion of artificial intelligence by linking academic analysis, practical knowledge and social change perspectives.


Marie Garin is a doctoral student in mathematics at the ENS Paris-Saclay and associate researcher at the Borelli Center. Her research focuses on privacy protection and differential privacy and also on distributed and federated learning.

Félix Tréguer is an associate researcher at the CIS. His work focuses on the political history of internet and computer science, power dynamics like censorship or communication surveillance and deals more generally with the digital transformation of the state and the field of security.