11.3.2021 CIS #16
Fred Turner

Cette séance se déroulera en ligne le 11 mars 2021, exceptionnellement de 17h à 18h30.

The Uses of Art in Silicon Valley

EN. If you ask a gallery owner in New York or Los Angeles why they don’t have an outpost in Silicon Valley, most will tell you, “Because tech people don’t like art.” This presentation will show how wrong they are. Drawing on in-depth, on-site research into the annual Burning Man Festival’s role at Google and into Facebook’s global Artist in Residence Program, this talk will demonstrate that art permeates the culture of high technology development and that it plays a central role in legitimating technical labor as a creative enterprise.

Fred Turner is Harry & Norman Chandler Professor of Communication at Stanford University.

Fred Turner, L’usage de l’art, de Burning Man à Facebook : art, technologie et management dans la Silicon Valley, C&F Éditions, coll. « Société numérique », 2020, 142 p.