DCPC/CIS 2024 Policy Lab

In 2022 the Société des Communs held two Policy Labs bringing together digital commons project representatives and members of government entities. The Digital Commons Policy Council and the Centre Internet et Société of the CNRS are building on this work by organising a Policy Lab on 30-31 May 2024 in Paris, France.

Facilitating connections between state entities and digital commons projects

This will be an outcome-oriented event held in both French and English. It will result in the production and free dissemination of two practical guides:

  • a how-to guide for local, regional, national or supra-national government employees wishing to engage with and support the development of digital commons projects;
  • a how-to guide for digital commons project participants wishing to engage with and be supported by government organisations.

This is an invitation-only event. If you would like to participate please fill out the form.

Summary of objectives

The Lab aims to identify best practices, opportunities and tools relevant to increasing cooperation
between state entities and digital commons projects.
Working sessions Thursday afternoon and Friday morning will be results-oriented, with groups
working to identify and find solutions to key issues.
A strategy session on Friday afternoon will provide an opportunity to share experiences and discuss
long-term challenges and opportunities.

Location of venue

The DCPC-CIS Policy Lab will take place at the CNRS, 57-61 rue Pouchet, Paris, 17th arrondissement.
You can find an area map and public transport options here (in French):

Here are the main public transport options:

  • Metro line 13: stations Guy Môquet, Brochant, Porte de Clichy (very busy line, best avoided)
  • Metro line 14: station Porte de Clichy (excellent option)
  • RER C: station Porte de Clichy
  • Bus 66: La Jonquière stop (right in front of the venue)
  • Bus 31: Guy Môquet stop
  • Tram 3b: Épinettes-Pouchet, Honoré de Balzac stop (another good option)

Access to terrace and room

Attendees will need to go through a security check and sign in at the front desk.

  • The terrace where we will meet for lunch on Days 1 and 2 is only accessible via a staircase
    (one floor) on the fourth floor which you access by lift. Please let us know if this represents
    an issue for you.
  • There will be signage within the building to guide you to room 255 where we will be working
    as well as to the terrasse where lunch on Days 1 and 2 + Day 2 farewell drinks will take place.
  • The front desk person will also be able to direct you to the correct lift for both the terrace
    (fourth floor for the lunch directly upon arrival on Thursday) and room 255 (second floor).

DAY 1 Thursday 30 May 2024

Arrival / lunch [terrace] 12:30-13:30

Working session 1: 13:30-15:00

  • Welcome, acknowledgements
  • Launch of DCPC French-language report
  • Brief introductions
  • Discussion of objectives
  • Group work: groups identify key points to resolve whether practical (opportunities?,
  • procurement processes?) or ideological (cultural differences?, practical vs moral objectives?)
  • Session summary: grouping key points

Coffee/tea break [room 255] 15:00-15:30

Working session 2 15:30-17:00

  • Group work: groups formulate solutions to key objectives and difficulties (handbook/guide?); suggest Day 2 working groups with specific tasks
  • Session summary: aims and metrics for Day 2 working groups

The Thursday evening dinner is in a different district:
Les Patios, place de la Sorbonne, Paris, 5th arrondissement 18:30-21:00.

Public transport option from CNRS-Pouchet to Les Patios:

  • Line 14 [fast] from Place de Clichy, change at Chatelet and take RER B to Luxembourg (top of Bd Saint-Michel) or Saint-Michel (bottom of Bd Saint-Michel)
  • RER C [slower] from Place de Clichy to Saint-Michel (bottom of Bd Saint-Michel)

DAY 2 Friday 31 May 2024

Working session 3 09:00-10:30

  • Group work: working groups address aims
  • Session summary: report on metrics, outstanding issues

Coffee/tea break [room 255] 10:30-11:00

Working session 4 11:00-12:30

  • Group work: working groups address outstanding issues
  • Session summary: next steps

Lunch [roof terrace] 12:30-13:30

Strategy session 5 13:30-15:00

  • Plenary: feedback on strategy / projects – DCPC, Open Future
  • Lightning presentations by interested participants

Coffee/tea break [room 255] 15:00-15:30

Working/Strategy session 6 15:30-17:00

  • Plenary: Policy Lab evaluation, implementation, outstanding issues, future schedule

Closing cocktail [terrace] 17:00-18:00 or 18:30