
Fabrizio Li Vigni, course “Science & Technology Studies”, Sciences Po Lille, 2023 (18h).

Fabrizio Li Vigni, course “Digital democracy”, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, 2023 (30h).

Fabrizio Li Vigni, course “Gender sociology”, Caisse régionale d’assurance maladie d’Île-de-France (Cramif), 2023 (9h).

Fabrizio Li Vigni, course “Computational social sciences”, Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 2023 (15h).

Olivier Alexandre, coanimateur du séminaire “Le modèle californien. Création, innovation, disruption”, avec Monique Dagnaud, EHESS, 2020 (24h).

Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, course “Digital commons, collaborative platforms and open data”, Sciences Po Paris, 2019.

Olivier Alexandre, course “Sociology of creation”, Sciences Po Paris, since 2017, September-December every year (21h). Creatives, creativities, creative industries, etc. Creation is the key element of creation value and value chain in culture, media and communication sectors; to the point creation has been identified with them. The course will deal with the conditions and modalities of creation and creative process, from Renaissance to nowadays, through production to reception sequences. Particular attention will be paid to the structural oppositions: universal and singular, mainstream and niche, festivals and markets, fiction and reality, series and events, fan and critics, etc.

Jean-Marc Galan, Francesca Musiani, course “Exploration of controversies”, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Marocco), since 2016, March-May every year. Future engineers, in addition to their generalist skills, will have to call more and more on their ability to analyze highly controversial situations (technological risk, scientific uncertainty, multiplicity of possible scenarios, etc.) for which there is no such thing as a stabilized modeling, but which will involve decisions on the spot. It is the ambition of this course to help engineering students meet these challenges of tomorrow.

Jean-Marc Galan, Francesca Musiani, University Diploma on Innovative Scientific Mediation, Paris Cité University, since 2015, March and April every year. This diploma aims to stimulate critical reflection on science and technology communication (CST) as well as their role in participatory science, socio-technical controversies, responsible research and innovation, open science; to provide a toolbox adapted to innovative / emerging scientific mediation systems; to immerse students in a vast network of CST professionals.

Guest teaching

Francesca Musiani, “Décentralisation et gouvernance des réseaux : défrichage et déchiffrage”, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Master 2), 2022.

Francesca Musiani, “Understanding Infrastructure as (Internet) Governance: Perspectives from Science and Technology Studies. The Case of the Blockchain”, Universidad de San Andrés (Argentine), 2021 et Mälardalen University (Suède), 2020.

Francesca Musiani, “Internet, réseaux et vie privée”, Université Lyon 2 (Master 1), 2021.

Axel Meunier, “Studio expérimental Libertés Modérées“, École nationale supérieure de création industrielle (ENSCI), 2021.

Francesca Musiani, “Les controverses socio-techniques : opportunité ou piège pour la médiation scientifique ?”, École de la Médiation / Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 2019.

Jean-Marc Galan, “Médiation scientifique à la radio”, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Master), depuis 2010.