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Détail de la couverture de la revue Information, Communication & Society

Data localization as contested and narrated security in the age of digital sovereignty: the case of Switzerland

Samuele Fratini, Francesca Musiani, Information, Communication & Society, 2024.

Détail de la couverture du livre Un monde en guerre, La Découverte, 2024.

Le chiffrement peut-il sauver des vies ?

Francesca Musiani, in Claudia Senik (dir.), Un monde en guerre, Éditions La Découverte, 2024.

Image de la revue First Monday 29(2), 2024.

Governance by Infrastructure

Special issue of First Monday, 29(2) 2024, edited by Léa Stiefel, Morgan Currie, Francesca Musiani, Alain Sandoz, Antti Silvast, and Robin Williams.

Détail de la couverture du livre Global communication governance at the crossroads

Understanding Infrastructure as (Internet) Governance

Francesca Musiani, in Claudia Padovani, Véronique Wavre, Arne Hintz, Gerard Goggin, Petros Iosifidis (eds), Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads, 2024.

Détail de la couverture de BJHS Themes, vol. 8, 2023

The Soviet scientific programme on AI: if a machine cannot ‘think’, can it ‘control’?

Olessia Kirtchik, BJHS Themes, vol. 8, 2023, Cambridge University Press.

Couverture du livre Eaten by the Internet

Encryption as a battleground in Ukraine

Chapter by Ksenia Ermoshina and Francesca Musiani published in the book Eaten by the Internet, Meatspace Press, 2023.

Extrait de la couverture de la revue Politics, no 140

Conspicuous normality. Egalitarian ethos and social hierarchies in Silicon Valley

Olivier Alexandre, Politics, no 140, Money to rule, 2022.

Logo de la Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances

New vectors of scientific credibility at the interface between social worlds

Special issue of the Revue d’anthropologie des savoirs, 2023, edited by Benjamin Raimbault, Fabrizio Li Vigni (CIS-CNRS) and Séverine Louvel.

Extrait de la couverture du livre Retour d'utopie

Retour d’utopie. De l’influence du livre de Fred Turner

Published in the series Les cahiers de C&F éditions, no 6, June 2023. Summary of the book available in English.

Détail de la couverture, Genèse d'un autoritarisme numérique

Genèse d’un autoritarisme numérique. Répression et résistance sur Internet en Russie, 2012-2022

Françoise Daucé, Benjamin Loveluck and Francesca Musiani (dir.), Presses des Mines, 2023. Summary of the book available in English.

Détail de la couverture de la revue Enjeux numériques

Modelers of the Covid-19 epidemic

Fabrizio Li Vigni, Enjeux numériques, no 21, March 2023, Annales des Mines.

Détail de la couverture de la revue Réseaux no 236

‘Platform parties’ versus ‘network parties’

Fabrizio Li Vigni, with Enka Blanchard, Réseaux, no 236, 2022/6.

Couverture du livre Concealing for Freedom

Concealing for Freedom

This book by Ksenia Ermoshina and Francesca Musiani received a special mention from the 2023 Stefano Rodotà Prize for Data Protection.

Extrait de la couverture de la revue Journalism

“Voices from the Island”: Informational annexation of Crimea and transformations of journalistic practices

Ksenia Ermoshina, Journalism, First published online January 16, 2023.

Cube idéal-typique

An ideal-typical cube for the study of the platformization of politics

Fabrizio Li Vigni, Terminal, no 134-135, 2022.

Fabrique numérique des corpus en SHS

Archivage du Web, un enjeu de gouvernance (d’Internet)

Chapter by Francesca Musiani published in La fabrique numérique des corpus en sciences humaines et sociales, 2022. Full text available in French.

Stocker, Le Temps des Médias, 39(2), 2022

Une socio-histoire de Wuala (2007-2011). Façonner du ‘stockage social’ en pair-à-pair

Francesca Musiani, Le Temps des Médias, no 39, Automne-Hiver 2022. Abstract available in English.

Route californienne

Culture as a universal variable opportunity flow and selection process in Silicon Valley

Olivier Alexandre, Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, 2022.

Logo de la revue Sociologia del lavoro

Digital infrastructures, governance, and work transformations

Francesca Musiani, Sociologia del Lavoro, 2022.

Logo Parlement européen

‘Splinternets’: Addressing the renewed debate on internet fragmentation

Clément Perarnaud, Julien Rossi, Francesca Musiani, Lucien Castex, 2022.

Logo Reset

The code will change. Silicon Valley developers address the uncertainties of programming

Olivier Alexandre, RESET. Recherches en sciences sociales sur Internet, 2022.

Détail de la couverture de la revue Information, Communication & Society

Infrastructuring digital sovereignty: a research agenda for an infrastructure-based sociology of digital self-determination practices

Francesca Musiani, Information, Communication & Society, 2022.

Image tirée de la revue Terminal

Quand la gouvernance d’Internet fait controverse. Études, méthodes, analyses

Julien Rossi, Francesca Musiani and Lucien Castex (coord.), Terminal, 132-133, 2022. Full text in French.

Extrait de la couverture de la revue Réseaux, numéro Critique numériques

Digital critique

Olivier Alexandre, Jean-Samuel Beuscart, Sébastien Broca (dir.), Réseaux, no 231, La Découverte, 2022.

Logo CAE

The Digital Age and Crisis: The Challenges Facing Culture

Olivier Alexandre, Yann Algan and Françoise Benhamou, Les notes du conseil d’analyse économique, no 70, February 2022.

Logo Mozilla Foundation

A Practical Framework for Applying Ostrom’s Principles to Data Commons Governance

Anouk Ruhaak, Greg Bloom, Angie Raymond, Willa Tavernier, Divya Siddarth, Gary Motz and Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Mozilla, Dec. 6, 2021.

Extrait de la couverture du livre Controversy Mapping

Controversy Mapping. A Field Guide

Tommaso Venturini, Anders Kristian Munk, Polity Press, 2021.

Extrait de la couverture du livre Digital Roots

Global Governance: A Short History of Debates Born With the Telegraph and Popularized by the Internet

Book chapter by Francesca Musiani and Valérie Schafer, 2021.

Extrait de la couverture de la revue Sociologie

Silicon Valley influencers. Starting, promoting and guiding the digital revolution

Olivier Alexandre and Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Couverture de la revue Quaderni 103

Les ruses du hacking

Quaderni, 103, 2021.

What do we see when we look at networks: Visual network analysis, relational ambiguity, and force-directed layouts

Tommaso Venturini, Mathieu Jacomy, Pablo Jensen, Big Data & Society 8(1), 2021.

Open Access Models, Pirate Libraries and Advocacy Repertoires: Policy Options for Academics to Construct and Govern Knowledge Commons

Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 2021, 16(1).

Infrastructure-Embedded Control, Circumvention and Sovereignty in the Russian Internet

Special issue of First Monday, coordinated by Françoise Daucé and Francesca Musiani, 3 May 2021.

The Handbook of Peer Production

Edited by Mathieu O’Neil, Christian Pentzold et Sophie Toupin, this book contains two chapters written by CIS researchers.

Researching Internet Governance: Methods, Frameworks, Futures

Laura DeNardis, Derrick Cogburn, Nanette S. Levinson and Francesca Musiani (Eds), The MIT Press, 2020.

Telecommunications Reclaimed: a hands-on guide to networking communities

Edited by Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay and Félix Tréguer, as part of the European project netCommons.

What is a Web Archive?

By Francesca Musiani, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Valérie Schafer and Benjamin G. Thierry, 2019.