An ideal-typical cube for the study of the platformization of politics

Cube idéal-typique
Image credit: Anne-Fleur de Sagazan

Fabrizio Li Vigni, 2022, « Un cube idéal-typique pour l’étude de la plateformisation de la politique », Terminal, no 134-135. DOI: 10.4000/terminal.8867 / Texte intégral

This article by Fabrizio Li Vigni (CIS-CNRS), published in December 2022 in the journal Terminal, no. 134-135, is available in full text, in French.


In response to the crisis of representative democracy, online participatory platforms are increasingly mobilized by governing parties to share organizational, administrative, legislative and budgetary decision-making with larger numbers of citizens. The technologies of participation allow us to renew the debate on Internet democracy and to question the way in which these tools reconfigure representative and participatory practices. To tackle the complex relations between society, software and materiality, this programmatic article proposes an approach based upon political sociology, digital sociology and infrastructure studies. An ideal-typical cube is then proposed to operationalize this three-dimensional approach and to compare the different platforms (existing and to come) with this tool.