Platforms and algorithmic risks

This workgroup aims at developing experimental procedures to study the impact of informative and product advertising on user’s behavior and developing methodologies for preference modelling.

It also seeks to develop a working methodology between researchers in marketing, behavioral economics and law on the one hand, and researchers in algorithmic techniques on the other, for the collection and analysis of large volumes of data on user preferences and behaviour and recommendation approaches.

In 2021, part of the team members set up the working group New technologies and justice, while the working group Platforms and algorithmic risks, coordinated by a new team, continued on consumer issues.


Béatrice Roussillon (Université Grenoble Alpes, Laboratoire d’économie appliquée de Grenoble) has been coordinator since September 2020.
Juliette Sénéchal (Université de Lille, Centre de recherche Droits et perspectives du droit) has been coordinator since 2019.
Oana Goga (CNRS, Laboratoire d’informatique de Grenoble) has been coordinator since September 2020.

Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS, Laboratoire d’informatique de Grenoble) was coordinator in 2019/20.
Amélie Favreau (Université Grenoble Alpes, Centre de recherches juridiques) was coordinator in 2019/20 before contributing to the creation of the working group New technologies and justice in 2021.


This working group organised a workshop on 18 July 2022 to respond to an Arcom public consultation on access to data from online platforms for research. A contribution was drafted by Oana Goga, Béatrice Roussillon, Joëlle Farchy, Lucien Castex and Juliette Sénéchal and sent to Arcom.

On 20 June 2023, Arcom published a summary of the responses and proposals online, along with contributions from research centers and companies.

The workgroup continues the PLATFORM action focusing on social impact of decision making algorithms initiated by the research network Madics and the research network Internet, IA and Society.

Digital platforms and their role in society are of great concern for medias and governing authorities. The various human agents evolving around those platforms produce and consume data through algorithms. Selection, sorting and classification algorithms raise the question of the algorithmic discrimination. Private, public, personal, anonymized and pseudo-anonymized data are raising the question of their protection. Humans, artists, authors, content creators, plateform and apps developpers, consumer-users, public and private actors are raising the question of accountability.

This workgroup launched an inter research network action, named PLATFORM and focusing on social impact of decision-making algorithms, located at the intersection between the research networks Madics (INS2I, CNRS Institue for Information Science), Internet, AI and Society (INSHS, CNRS Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences).

This action was led by Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes) and Christophe Benavent (marketing professor, Université Paris Nanterre).


Publications and working papers

Web articles
Scientific publications

Sihem Amer-Yahia, Juliette Sénéchal et Amélie Favreau, Faut-il avoir peur des algorithmes ? Ouvrage Humain et Numérique en Interaction, Éditions CNRS 2020 (à paraître).

Márcio Silva, Lucas Santos de Oliveira, Athanasios Andreou, Pedro Olmo Vaz de Melo, Oana Goga, Fabrício Benevenuto, “Facebook Ads Monitor: An Independent Auditing System for Political Ads on Facebook”, The Web Conference Taipei 2020. Honorable Mention Award. Full text (pdf)

Penelope Buckley, Béatrice Roussillon, Sabrina Teyssier, “Gain and Loss framing of incentives: encouraging individuals to provide a repetitive effort for small rewards”, 10th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), Université de Toulouse, juin 2019.

Idir Benouaret, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Senjuti Basu Roy, Christiane Kamdem Kengne, Jalil Chagraoui, “Enabling Decision Support Through Ranking and Summarization of Association Rules for TOTAL Customers”, Trans. Large Scale Data Knowl. Centered Syst. 44, p. 160-193, 2020. Abstract

Sihem Amer-Yahia, Shady Elbassuoni, Ahmad Ghizzawi, Ria Mae Borromeo, Émilie Hoareau, Philippe Mulhem, “Fairness in Online Jobs: A Case Study on TaskRabbit and Google”, EDBT 2020, p. 510-521. Full text (Open proceedings)

Shady Elbassuoni, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Ahmad Ghizzawi, “Fairness of Scoring in Online Job Marketplaces”, ACM Tansactions in Data Science, 2020 (to appear).

Shady Elbassuoni, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Christine El Atie, Ahmad Ghizzawi, Bilel Oualha, “Exploring Fairness of Ranking in Online Job Marketplaces”, EDBT 2019, p. 646-649. Full text (Hal)

Idir Benouaret, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Christiane Kamdem Kengne, Jalil Chagraoui, “A Bi-Objective Approach for Product Recommendations”, BigData 2019, p. 2159-2168. Abstract

Idir Benouaret, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Senjuti Basu Roy, “An Efficient Greedy Algorithm for Sequence Recommendation”, DEXA (1) 2019, p. 314-326. Abstract

Ahmad Ghizzawi, Julien Marinescu, Shady Elbassuoni, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Gilles Bisson, “FaiRank: An Interactive System to Explore Fairness of Ranking in Online Job Marketplaces”, EDBT 2019, p. 582-585. Full text (Open proceedings)

Giovanna Fancello, Alexis Tsoukiàs, “Learning urban capabilities from citizens’ behaviour for urban planning”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (to appear).

Antoine Richard, Brice Mayag, François Talbot, Alexis Tsoukiàs, Yves Meinar, “What does it mean to provide decision support to a responsible and competent expert? The case of diagnostic decision support systems”, EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Published 12 August 2020. Abstract

Giovanna Fancelloa, Tanja Congiu, Alexis Tsoukiàs, “Mapping Walkability: a subjective value theory approach”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. Available online 24 July 2020. Abstract

Alberto Colorni, Alexis Tsoukiàs, “Designing Alternatives in Decision Problems”, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, First published 30 June 2020. Abstract / Preliminary version

Irene Pluchinotta, Raffaele Giordano, Dimitrios Zikos, Tobias Krueger, Alexis Tsoukiàs, “Integrating Problem Structuring Methods and Concept-Knowledge Theory for Advanced Policy Design: lessons from a case study in Cyprus”, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. Published online 14 May 2020. Abstract / Preliminary version

Oussama Raboun, Eric Chojnacki, Céline Duffa, David Ríos Insua, Alexis Tsoukiàs, “Spatial risk assessment in case of multiple nuclear release scenarios”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol. 70, 2020. Abstract / Preliminary version.

Raffaele Giordano, Irene Pluchinotta, Dimitrios Zikos, Tobias Krueger, Alexis Tsoukiàs, “How to use Ambiguity in Problem Framing for Enabling Divergent Thinking: Integrating Problem Structuring Methods and Concept-Knowledge Theory”, in Leroy White, Martin Kunc, Katharina Burger, Jonathan Malpass (eds.), Behavioural Operational Research: a capabilities approach, Palgrave MacMillan, p. 93-117, 2020. Abstract / Preliminary version

Amélie Favreau, « Blockchain et droit des artistes », L’Observatoire. La revue des politiques culturelles, no 55, Le droit d’auteur sous toutes ces facettes, Hiver 2020, p. 98. Résumé

Amélie Favreau, « Régulation par la Blockchain », in Raphaël Eckert, Franck Macrez et Julien Mouchette, L’État au défi des blockchains. Régulations et usages publics de la blockchain, à paraître RFPI,  2020. 

Amélie Favreau, « La blockchain et la mise en œuvre des droits de propriété intellectuelle », in Bérengère Gleize, Agnès Maffre Baugé, La propriété intellectuelle renouvelée par le numérique, Dalloz, Thèmes et Commentaires, 2020. Présentation de l’ouvrage

Amélie Favreau, « L’horodatage électronique dans la récente loi italienne sur la blockchain : la question essentielle du temps sur la blockchain », Panorama droit du numérique, RLDC, no 178, février 2020, p. 37.

Amélie Favreau, Nicolas Barbaroux, Richard Baron, « Blockchain et finance. Approche plurisdisciplinaire », Encyclopédie Dalloz IP/IT, 2020.

Presentations, notes and reports

Sihem Amer-Yahia, Christophe Benavent, Bruno Descamps, Antoine Henry, Maryvonne Holzem, Elsa Jaubert, Maxime Lambrecht, Daniel Le Métayer, Maël Pégny, Franck Rebillard, Serge Surin, Alexis Tsoukias, « Plateformes numériques, algorithmes et société : explicabilité et effets sur PandHeMic », Synthèse des échanges entre les groupes de travail Plateformes et risque algorithmique et Surveillance et manipulation, 31 octobre 2019, en ligne.